Indoor Fireworks
Low-smoke indoor fireworks are perfect for where space is premium, adding punch to concerts and theatre productions. Manufactured to tight standards with low smoke and little variation in height, they can safely be used close to audience and performers.
Firework Professionals manufacture a range of indoor effects and is the New Zealand agent for high-quality Ultratec and LeMaitre proximate pyrotechnics. We import brands such as RES and MPA pyrotechnics for world-class touring productions.
Firework Simulators
DMX-controlled firework simulators are a great alternative for venues where pyrotechnics can’t be used. Firework simulators are cold spark fountains that produce jets of silver sparks up to five metres. With an easy-to-use, DMX control system, they can be run in bursts or continuously, with a small amount of visible smoke and next to no smell. And with no pyrotechnics or licenses needed, they can be freely shipped around the country.
Indoor Pyro Training
Firework Professionals offer the only comprehensive indoor training course in NZ. Adding an indoor Certified Handler qualification is an asset for theatre and lighting techs. We have a pool of highly experienced and licensed indoor technicians nationwide.
Talk to us about adding indoor and proximate pyro to your next show or production.